Newsletter #136 – Pay Policy 2023 – Mutual and Provident Insurance -Summer CSE in brief – New RS

How much do you really know about Amadeus’ pay policy in France?

The Amadeus CFDT has produced an analysis* designed to provide an unprecedented perspective from which to appreciate the relative value that the company places on each individual.

* Secure file with the password displayed on the CFDT’s union notice boards:

  • Nice – Sophia-Antipolis: just to the right after the badges at the main entrance 
  • Nice – Bel Air: Opposite the restaurant entrance  
  • Paris: corridor leading to the CSE ? 
  • Strasbourg: In the coffee room (SXB234-236) 
Otherwise, contact us via Teams.

Bureaux d'études: The CFDT is taking action on employees' purchasing power!

Have you signed the petition for: 

Mutual and Provident Insurance

Consultant broker and administrator Willis Towers Watson – WTW has presented the 2023 and 1st half 2024 accounts. 

  • The balance sheet for 2023 is still in deficit
    • The claims ratio (ratio of claims expenses to gross premiums) is still 110%. This is a general trend in France.  
    • One way of saving money is for spouses who already have a mutual insurance policy to use it as a first resort. Their Amadeus spouse’s health insurance could then be used as a complement, to finally benefit from maximum reimbursement. 
  • A call for tenders is underway to renew the insurer
    • As a result of these recurring deficits, the insurer has decided to increase its rates. Amadeus management, which is obliged to offer group supplementary health cover to its employees, has therefore launched, with the broker WTW, a call for tenders concerning the insurer. 
    • The aim is to minimize premium increases and/or loss of coverage.  
  • The choice of the new insurer will be made by management before October
    • As the contract is underwritten by Amadeus sas – France management, it is they who decide. And the choice must be made before the anniversary date of the current contract.

We are campaigning to ensure that health cover is not downgraded.

Summer CSE in brief

What happened at the three summer CSEs: June 28, July 31, August 30 

Health & Security
  • The SSCT Commission met on June 27 in Nice. Topics discussed were:  
    • General points: 
      • Follow-up on the return to 50% teleworking.
      • Restaurants, with the novelty of After works every 15 days during the summer.
    • Building information:
      • Workspace and review of macro-zones with buffer zones.
      • Work in progress follow-up.
    • Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR, information on the means and actions put in place for travel: 
      • Presentation of future traffic flow with shared traffic lanes (2-wheelers and cars) at Bel Air entrances and exits.
      • Follow-up on the frequency of public buses serving the Bel Air and Sophia sites.
    • Workplace accident monitoring

You will find the minutes attached to the minutes of the August 30 CSE meeting. 

The next CSSCT meetings will be held in Paris at the end of September, and in Strasbourg before the end of the year.

Social & Économie 

The elected representatives present (24/27) at the July CSE voted against the 2 mandatory consultations in France on : 

    • The company’s social policy, working conditions and employment 2023 
    • The economic and financial situation in 2023 and forecasts for 2024
  • la situation économique et financière 2023 et prévisionnel 2024 

The CSE’s reasoned unanimous opinion on these consultations will be included in the minutes of the July 31 CSE meeting.

Another points:

  • The first-half financial results have been published and are good. 
  • The Professional Equality Commission met on June 27, and the minutes are attached to the minutes of the August 30 meeting of the Works Council.  
  • The “référent au droit à la déconnexion” has been appointed (new Syntec obligation). 
  • Le référent au droit à la déconnexion a été désigné (nouvelle obligation Syntec).
  • Volunteer days in September in several formats.
Social & Cultural Activities (ASC)

The treasurer presented a mid-year summary of the ASC accounts

  • Events and shows are very successful, and expenditure is up sharply. 
  • The subsidy paid by the company is some 12% higher than the amount budgeted for 2024.

The CFDT hopes that this surplus will be used this year to benefit as many employees as possible.

  • The CSE meets employees:
    • Nice: Clubs and Amadeus Athletic Association-AAA days:
      • Sophia: Thursday, September 19, place de l’olivier
      • Bel Air : Tuesday, September 24, main corridor to the restaurant
    • Paris : CSE meeting on Thursday, September 25, between 12 and 2 p.m.
  • Ticketing:
    • This summer, the shows offered by the concert club were a great success. The concert club offers other events throughout the year, see the program on the page Spectacles
    • 50% refunds on annual sports season tickets up to a maximum of 80€/year are still available. 
  • Holidays activities:
    • The vacation and culture voucher campaign ended on July 1 instead of August 31 last year. The actual budget used is 91% of the provision. 
    • Winter rentals 24-25 open, registration deadline September 20
    • Opening of quarter-year trips 2025 quarter-year trips 2025, registration deadline September 20
  • Children’s activities:
    • Invoice refunds for this summer’s stays and camp are open until the end of September
    • Back-to-school vouchers open to all children attending school:
    • Christmas for children up to 18 will be:
      • Nice: Luna park Saturday morning, December 7, pending opening. 
      • Paris: Cirque Gruss, Sunday December 8 at 2pm, registration deadline September 15. 
      • Strasbourg: currently being finalized.  

Employees’ rights

  • If you’re a part-timer, don’t forget to check that the counter for the number of RTTs to be taken by the end of August 2025 is correct. The calculation is 6.5 RTTs * your % of part-time. Ex: 80% part-time, so you should have 5.2 RTTs (6.5*80%). If this is not the case, don’t hesitate to contact your P&C partner to update it, or contact us. 

Minutes of validated CSE meetings are available on the Neo CSE Minutes page


New Union Representative - RS CFDT



Francois AubryRS CFDT since 2021, is taking his well-deserved early retirement. We would like to thank him for his unstinting commitment over the years.



Please welcome the new CFDT RS Julien Hué, who will take over from him. It sets out the CFDT’s demands to the members of the CSE.   


We would also like to thank Ghislaine and Luis, both CFDT deputies elected to the CSE, for their union involvement and defense of your interests. They too are taking early retirement and will be able to enjoy it to the full.