Newsletter #119 – Negociation GEPPMM, CSE of November 25 in brief, Did you know?

This is our last newsletter of the year: we remain more than ever mobilized to represent you at best. 

The Annual Mandatory Negotiation (NAO) starts on December 9 and will end in mid-February. The compulsory topics to be discussed are the following: 

  • Remuneration (salary increase)  
  • Sharing of value added (bonus, participation, interessement) 
  • Working hours
  • Professional equality between women and men 
  • Quality of Life at Work (QWL) 
Please let us know your expectations and your questions




We wish you Happy Holidays! 

Enjoy your reading and see you in the next year

Negotiations on the Management of Jobs and Career Paths and on the Diversity of Professions (GEPPMM)


In October, management opened negotiations mandatory every three years on the Management of Jobs and Professional Careers and on the Mixity of Professions (GEPPMM, formerly GPEC). 

Even though article L.2242-20 of the French labor code requires the employer to open these negotiations to discuss with the social partners, the employer could NOT reach an agreement.

Although the CFDT agreed with the management’s proposals, unfortunately a majority of the unions disagreed with the proposed and therefore could reach an agreement. A failure to reach an agreement will be announced, just as in 2019. A report will be drafted and will include the proposals of the management.

We note the willingness of management to provide better visibility on careers and possible bridges, as well as better adapted training. And we accuse the absence of an active policy of career management or professional development at the individual level. At present, the process of career development relies essentially on the employee’s will and motivation, which is like an obstacle course for some.

Moreover, management has refused to communicate the employment prospects for the next three years.

We remain vigilant and are waiting for management to implement a more effective approach to anticipating needs and managing employees: advising, monitoring and supporting employees who are obliged to be redeployed and candidates for mobility.

CSE of November 25 in brief

News from the President :

  • Economy: Summary of 3rd Quarter results:
    • Air Distrib: Bookings are stabilizing but not back to 2019 levels. Full recovery will take longer than expected. 
    • Air IT Solution: Better result thanks to new Air Canada contract 
    • Hospitality: Improvement due to increased business. 
  • Social: Some examples of past and upcoming events:
    • European Disability Week with + 400 participants
    • Hackathon with 254 teams on 21 sites with approximately 700-800 participants. Congratulations to a team from Nice who came 3rd. 
    • Welcome drink for newcomers
    • Inauguration of the new building in Paris on December 5
    • Anniversary ceremonies for 10 years, 20 years and 30 years:
      • Paris, December 5
      • Strasbourg, December 6
      • Nice, December 14
  • Working From Anywhere (WFA) in France is extended from 4 to 6 weeks over a calendar year (announce November 25).
    • Subject to manager approval for team cohesion.
    • Possible abroad and in France.
    • For foreign countries and for insurance reasons, it is mandatory to fill in a declaration which must be validated beforehand.
    • In special cases, the duration can be extended to 12 weeks.

News from the Secretary:

  • Elected officials are in the process of finalizing the 2023 budget, so that they can vote on it at the next CSE in December
  • For the children’s Christmas events:
    • For Paris, 47 employees benefited of 113 Disneyland Paris tickets, on December 3
    • For Strasbourg, 24 employees benefited of 68 EuropaPark tickets, valid until January 15
    • For Nice, Lunapark on the morning of December 3 and show at Anthea on December 11
  • For tickets: As last year, a boost on the theaters was proposed. This year 50 seats per theater are put on sale at 10 E (Ballet de Monté Carlos, TNN – Théâtre de National de Nice, Scène 55 à Mougins)  
  • For vacations:
    • For rentals: new proposals are made in Normandy and ski resorts in Alsace
    • The renovation of the new apartment in La Foux d’Allos is underway but there is little hope of opening it for rental during the Christmas vacations
  • For events:
    • Ceramic workshops have gone well with about 15 people per session
    • Pilates sessions are proposed on the new terrace of the main site to replace the Terrasses de Sophia.
    • Participation in the Vogalonga of Venice on 2 Dragons Boat with a professional skipper to direct the rowers, on Pentecost 2023.

Did you know?

  • In the last newsletter, we made an error on the monthly amount to be paid in order to receive the Employer’s Contribution to the Company Savings Plan (PEE). It is indeed a minimum of 25 EUR per month to reach 300 EUR to benefit from the maximum gross contribution of 600 E by the employer.  

  • This year, 2022, Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on Sundays, so there are no half-days of RTT imposed the day before. In June 2023, there will be 5.5 days of RTT credited for a full-time employee. 

  • For new retirees, the Longchamp luggage, which was previously offered by the company, has been replaced by a voucher for the same brand. This does not apply to employees on early retirement. Employees on early retirement do not benefit form it.