Newsletter #125 – Teleworking, CSE July-August in brief, Did you know? Retirement
The summer holidays have come to an end. As we return to work, there are these pending changes, due by the end of the year:
- Telecommuting and transportation allowances pending final decision
- Opening of Mandatory Annual Negotiations (NAO) 2024
Welcome back and happy reading!

Teleworking message form Luis Maroto
In his July 17 message “Making our hybrid model work for all”, Luis Maroto reaffirms the value of the hybrid work mode, without questioning the current regulatory framework. He calls on everyone to respect their commitments and encourages an adjustment of the organization, within the teams, in order to find a balance favoring “time together”. Otherwise, this way of working may be put in question.
The Amadeus CFDT is aligned with the current methods of teleworking and the flexibility that we enjoy today. We have supported this transformation and will continue to contribute to its sustainability. Your feedback and suggestions will help us remain proactive for any needed adjustments, so that this tremendous revolution in our working conditions remains a positive breakthrough for employees, the company and the planet (see Le télétravail, vraiment bon pour l’environnement ? ADEME September 2020).
- The onsite presence must be useful to the collective group and to the business
- Flexibility also allows the employees to have good balance between their private and professional life
- It is everyone’s responsibility to respect their commitments
Like any transformation, this one, favoring a hybrid way of working, requires communication, support for everyone and an adaptation of practices for this model to be a success

July 28 and August 25 CSE in brief
Information from the President:
- The 2023 half-year financial results have been published. The financial results for the first half of 2023 are very good. Revenue and EBITDA have grown very strongly to levels close to those of 2019. The group has continued to repay its debt maturities in advance.
- Mid-year reviews will be more focused on career development. At your request, a tripartite meeting can be organized with your manager and your People & Culture Business Partner-PCBP representative. More information here.
- The reorganization on the finance side, announced during the European Works Council, has an impact on few employees in France. This change will take effect on September 1.
- 75 people who were affected by the pension reform, still in early retirement under the Rupture Conventionnelle Collective- RCC senior 2, will see their compensation period extended from 3 to 12 months, depending on the increase in their retirement age in either retirement or their number of missing quarters.
- Management has responded to the following questions, raised by the Mutual Insurance and Social Security work group:
- For Paris: a balance payable to specialists is greater than the previous insurance, since the scale is national (the average cost in Paris is 77 E against 69 E in France). On the other hand, for other types of services, reimbursement is more advantageous.
- Vaccinations: Management is not in favor of requesting payment for leisure vaccinations. However, this is covered through an expense report for business reasons.
- Specialized dental procedures: management will assess, with the service provider, whether endodontics could be included in the periodontology package.
- For ex-Amadeus France, management will strictly apply the judgment on obtaining restaurant vouchers post-covid. The people concerned will be awarded the readjustment of their restaurant checks, in September (on average 28 checks). The value being €9, where €5.4 paid by the company and €3.6 by the employee. Consequently, the employees will see the salary deductions on their September salary.
- Phase 1 of the Hélios project for ecological transition renovations will last until mid-2024. More information: the announcement of August 3, Hélios Project, macrozoning during the renovations.
- At the start of the school year, the 50 cradles of the 3 partner nurseries were allocated to 57 children from 52 families in several structures in France. The occupancy rate is 52.20, however there are still about 120 children on the waiting list.
- Following a request from the CFDT, Amadeus will study the possibility of supporting the volunteers selected for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Olympics.
Information from the Secretary:
- Cafeyn has been available since August, more than 1800 newspapers and magazines available, free of charge, and unlimited for a maximum of 5, simultaneously.
- The CSE premises in Bel Air have been renovated and the office hours will change.
- An additional space for the Tools Club, similar to the one in Sophia, is under renovation in Bel Air.
- Ticketing: New in sports ticketing
- Balance Pilates Yogas in Mougins and Cannes
- Fitness Park in Sophia Antipolis and Villeneuve Loubet
- Padel in Sophia Antipolis, Mougins, Grasse and Mandelieu la Napoule
- Squash 2 rooms in Antibes
- Holiday activities:
- summer trips and rentals have come to an end, feedback from surveys is satisfactory
- The return from Croatia, was delayed by 2 days, with no additional cost. Following the cancellation of the flight, the airline took care of everything.
- Success of the new Foux d’Allos apartment, reservations for this summer is closed.
- Registrations open for stays at the winter ski and beginning of the year 2024 (for winter rentals, winter ski club and trips)
Children’s activities:
- 992 2022-2023 extra-curricular files processed, with a budget of €149,662
- 1,644 children, aged 3 to 15 included, have already received their back-to- school vouchers. The request can still be made until the end of October and are open for ages 2-3 included and 16-25 included.
Statistics on the platforms set up by the CSE:
- ProfExpress : 790 children registered for a usage time of 2335 hours
The CFDT regrets not having more detailed statistics for certain platforms. This would make it possible to assess the optimization of these.
The treasurer of the CSE presented the accounts for mid-year 2023. As the documents were communicated late, we were unable to study them. We will submit our questions before the next CSE.
On July 28, 16 of the 29 elected officials present (4 CFDT, 4 CFE-CGC, 4 CFTC, 3 CGT, 1 without label) voted in favor of:
- The implementation of free access, for 1 year, to the Cafeyn platform (press and digital media)
- The supply of an insulated backpack with the “CSE Amadeus” logo, as an end-of-year gift for each employee.
On August 25, 14 of the 29 elected officials present (6 CFDT, 4 CFE-CGC, 3 CFTC, 1 CGT) voted in favor of:
- The company’s social policy, working conditions and employment 2022. We are the only ones to have voted against. This, because of the increasingly differentiated wage policy, which punishes the greatest number
- The economic and financial situation for 2022 and forecast for 2023.
Here is the opinion issued by the elected officials (in French only).
The 6 latest minutes have been validated and will soon be available on the CSE Minutes publication page

Did you know?
- Throughout your career, with Amadeus, you contribute to a company retirement savings plan (Article 83)
- It is an additional individual retirement savings by capitalization in addition to the basic and complementary retirement by compulsory distribution in France.
- It is compulsory savings for all employees, deducted monthly according to social security tranches:
- 0.9% for T1
- 3.2% for T2
- 3.9% for T3
- 5.5% for T4
See details on your payslip
- For financial management, Amadeus has chosen SOGECAP (and swisslive for ex-Amadeus France), with 2 types of management:
- Mixed management (retirement + free)
- Retirement management
- With the possibility of occasionally or regularly making additional savings.
- Transfer to another equivalent plan when changing companies.
- For financial management, Amadeus has chosen SOGECAP (and swisslive for ex-Amadeus France), with 2 types of management:
See all the details in the presentations: Pensioner’s Booklet-Article 83 and Amadeus Supplementary Retirement Contract
- For a successful retirement, you must prepare for it well in advance. All the information you need can be found on the Neo Your Retirement page.
- Before retirement:
- As soon as you turn 56, Amadeus sends you an email suggesting that you contact the company AON Hewitt, whose mission is to help you prepare for your retirement.
- If you’re missing contribution quarters (trimesters), Amadeus can buy them back under certain conditions. More details your retirement part pre-retirement benefits point 2 and 3.
- 4 years before, you can gradually reduce your professional activity while benefiting from a bonus salary. More details your retirement part pre-retirement benefits point 1.
- At the latest 1 year before, you must compile your file with the French and foreign pension organizations.
- At the latest 5 months before, by confirming your departure date to Human Resources, you will obtain an exemption of 2 months of work. More details your retirement part pre-retirement benefits point 4.
- You can take advantage of a training of your choice, covered by Amadeus (1000 euros and 5 days maximum).
- Before retirement:
For your well-being, have you thought about post-retirement activities?
- After leaving on retirement:
- Within the first 6 months, it is possible to keep the basic Amadeus group medical insurance mutual but without the additional one, with a higher contribution and totally at your expense (including the part borne by Amadeus).
- No later than 2 months after the end of your contract, the insurer must send you a proposal for the maintenance of individual coverage, identical to the collective and compulsory “healthcare costs” coverage from which you benefited when leaving the company, with a gradual cap on prices spread over 3 years, as provided for by the Evin law (Law no. 89-1009 of December 31, 1989). To benefit from it, you must accept this proposal no later than 6 months after the end of your employment contract.
- Choose another health insurance more suited to your needs. FYI, the CFDT offers its retired members a competitive collective mutual fund.