Newsletter #132 – December CSE in brief – Did you know? Annual Social Security increases
The entire CFDT Amadeus Team wishes you a happy holiday season.
From January 2, the Team gets back to work on:
- Mandatory Annual Negotiations – NAO (Remuneration, Value added, Working hours, Equal opportunities, Quality of life at work)
- Social and Cultural Activities – CSE (Ticketing, Holidays, Children, Events, Clubs & Associations, Advantages)
- Keep you regularly informed via our newsletters.
December 15 CSE in brief
The last CSE of the year and of mandate was held at the Strasbourg site.
Health & Safety
The last meeting of the Committee on Health, Safety and Working Conditions (CSSCT) was held on December 14th and its minutes will be presented in January.
Social & Economy
- A global harmonization of the 2024 bonuses paid in 2025 on certain commercial professions is underway. A specific meeting for France will be held.
The CFDT can help you understand this change. Don’t hesitate to contact us.
- Pre-retirement: as of the morning of the deadline, 46 people had submitted their applications. A response will be given to them before December 31.
The CFDT created a simulator to estimate the NET amounts of the monthly allowance and the retirement bonus. Do not hesitate to contact us to have your own simulation.
Social & Cultural Activities – ASC
- Of the 29 present members (7 CFDT, 4 CFE-CGC, 4 CFTC, 2 CGT), 17 voted unanimously in favour of the 2024 CSE budget.
- Major changes include:
- Ticketing :
- Maintaining the cinema ticket price at €5
- Vacations :
- Removal of ski pass reimbursements for those with associated rentals.
- Children :
- New for Paris and Strasbourg: Invoice reimbursement for weekly activities during school holidays (excluding Christmas vacations).
- Daily Events:
- Increased budget for all sites
Continuation of ‘a day for everyone’, like the Family Party in 2022
- Clubs & Associations :
- Continuation of all clubs that requested a budget.
- Continuation of all clubs that requested a budget.
- Benefits – privileged offers :
- Gymlib will end in late March 2024. A 50% reimbursement up to €80 for an annual sports subscription will be introduced in its place.
- Gymlib will end in late March 2024. A 50% reimbursement up to €80 for an annual sports subscription will be introduced in its place.
- Management:
- Purchase of 2 more suitable minibuses for club needs to replace the current leased ones
- Ticketing :
Employees rights
- Following CFDT’s complaints, ethics and harassment training will be available in French beginning of 2024; the mandatory deadline is consequently postponed to a later date.
- Starting January 2nd,
- Teleworking Allowance :
- €2.60/day for telecommuting or ‘workation’
- Ceiling of €338/year for teleworking and €78/year for workation
- You must enter your working hours in Workday.
- As a reminder, the 50% modality is either 2.5 days/week or 3-2 days/week. The half-day telecommuting allowance will be counted as a full day.
- Transport Allowance :
- Standard €360/year; by default, all individuals with personal car or motorcycle mobility will switch to this allowance.
- Sustainable Mobility Package (FMD) €500/year; you need to confirm your choice at the beginning of each year
- Public transport : no change
- Teleworking Allowance :
The minutes from September 29th and October 24th meetings have been approved and should be available soon on the Neo CSE Minutes page.
An extraordinary CSE meeting will take place on January 11th to appoint members of the bureau, committees, and various working groups, as defined in the Internal Regulations – RI.
If you wish, you can get involved in the CSE’s life by becoming a member. Let us know!
Did you know ?
- The Annual Social Security Ceiling (PASS) increases by 5.4% starting January 1, 2024 (monthly, rising from €3,666 to €3,864) and will have consequences on your payslip.
- Increase in the health insurance contributions: +€7.58/month, of which +€3.44/month is the responsibility of the employee.
- Reduction in contributions to retirement plans (AGIRC-ARCOO and SOGECAP).